Active Projects
$ 147 M
Active Commitments
Education in India
We focus on improving school results for underserved students and increasing their access to a high-quality education. Because we can’t improve what we can’t measure, we help to develop and deploy standard assessments that give us a roadmap to improve learning and teaching.
Quality Schools
We invest in large, statewide projects to improve student learning, teacher skills, school operations, and education leadership. We partner with many stakeholders to find new ways to strengthen school systems and create solutions that impact students at scale. Currently, our work is focused in Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, and Rajasthan.
Classroom Supports
To address inequities in education, we must enhance data, classroom tools, and teacher training. Our partners in India help teachers and school leaders use data to better understand student performance and improve learning. We also support service providers to create new classroom tools that can boost learning.
University Success
Students from low-income homes face unique challenges to complete their degrees. Our partners offer students critical support throughout their college experiences.
Family Economic Stability in India
We create more ways for families from low-income backgrounds to access banking services so they can better manage their money and access loans for improving their income potential. We also ensure youth have opportunities to find meaningful employment so they can prosper and thrive.
Jobs and Livelihoods
More than 400 million people ages 15 to 29 live in India, but many do not have the skills to fill jobs in high demand. We give youth from low-income backgrounds the vocational skills and job opportunities they need to increase their earning potential in today’s workforce.
Financial Services
We develop and deliver a range of credit and savings options designed for low-income households. This includes micro-savings, micro-mortgages, and loans for businesses of different sizes. We also support digital services that can increase people’s access to financial tools at a lower price.
Our Program Team in India
India Impact
The Michael & Susan Dell Foundation is dedicated to transforming the lives of children living in urban poverty. In India, the foundation has committed nearly INR 15 billion to its core programs in education, jobs and livelihoods, and financial services.
Learn About Our Approach